torsdag 10. juni 2010

9191 = gigi

Helaftens med Giggern, yepsi max!

"A lot of people spend so much time nerding out on settings and crazy cameras. But it's just snowboarding, not Avatar 5D... so I didn't want the film to be so outrageously filmed that you kinda lose the viewpoint of a normal weekend warrior or a snowboarder that can't afford to own a snowmobile or go heli boarding. I guess as far as weird cameras go, I tried to film in as many mediums as possible, some photo sequences, and of course -- 16 mm and Super 8."
-Jake Price

4 kommentarer:

gaups sa...

heldigvis er jake price som lagar filmen eit geni.

gaups sa...

men uheldigvis skal soundtracket lagas av samme fyr som extremely sorry.

Skiplo sa...

Baron heimsøker oss igjen. Trist.

Skiplo sa...

Fan. Det er VOLCOM som har skylda, må være det.